Customized & Stock Holograms
We offer a variety of affordable stock hologram labels, which can be custom imprinted with your company name, logo, consecutive serial number, barcode and other features such as track and trace.
We also offer full customized holograms.
Stock Holograms
Holograms sold as designed without further customization, that can be great for those clients needing urgent labels. These holograms are available for immediate shipment.
The hologram images on this page offer more security then other generic holograms because the images have limited distribution and are not widely available from other companies on the internet.
Our stock holograms on this page are intended for one-time events or applications where using a generic hologram sticker, which is also sold to other users, still offers appropriate security. The images on this page offer limited security because this generic image is widely available from other marketers and distributors. If clients are in a rush to get fast delivery on hologram labels this option works great to get product as fast as possible.

Custom Holographic Security Label Process
- Decide on die cut (shape and size of the label).
- Review our design proposal including security features.
- Choose the correct output on the roll depending on how the label will be applied (manual or automatic).
- Accept design proposal or request changes.
- Send signed design to our optical lab and production of master hologram begins.
- Master is converted and embossed for mass production.