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Custom Printed Shrink Sleeves

Thanks to their versatility, shrink sleeves are in high demand.

Shrink sleeves with holography can be easily applied and they conform to the shapes of even “irregular” containers.

Here are just a few of the advantages you can expect:

  • 360-degree advertising area
  • Tamper protection (sleeve can cover neck only and can have micro perforations for easy removability)
  • Adhesive-free
  • Applications for a wide variety of products
custom printed shrink sleeves

Packaging and Protection

Shrink sleeves are a valuable tool for packaging and protecting pharmaceuticals, chemicals, foods and beverages, cosmetics, electronics, and more.

Today, you’ll see shrink sleeve products most often in the food industry, where they are applied for decoration or to fully dress and protect a bottle.

For pharmaceutical products, sports or soft drinks, and even in the chemical industry, the shrink sleeve seal guarantees and assures the end user that they are buying a product that has not been tampered with. Without the full shrink sleeve (or some type of tamper-evident technology), a product is vulnerable to tampering. This opens the innocent manufacturer or packager to legal risk. More importantly, this exposes the consumer to potentially serious health risks.

printed shrink sleeves

Security Solutions

NanoGrafix brings expertise in other protective technologies that can augment a standard shrink sleeve and ensure the confidence of the end user.

For years, holograms have been protecting products, such as documents, credit cards, or currency, such as the Euro. Combining holograms with shrink sleeves is a new, unique solution that can be used for all kinds of products that need added security.

You may want to add even more technologies to harden your security solution. Here are a few possibilities:

  • Hologram strip on the inner side of the shrink sleeve
  • Decorative hologram as part of the label design
  • Micro perforations in the shrink sleeve
  • Variable images/text imprinted on shrink sleeves with a digital printer
  • Using UV inks

Contact us to discuss these and other applications of shrink sleeves.

Shrink sleeves are highly demanded because of their versatility. They can easily be applied with holography and adhere to the shape of even “strange” containers. Some of the advantages include:

Nanografix specialise in shrink sleeve printing and custom printed shrink sleeves give you a 360-degree advertising area and tamper protection (sleeve may cover neck only, micro perforations for easy removal). Our shrink sleeves are adhesive-free and offer a wide range of applications for different products.

Packaging & Protection

Packaging and protecting pharmaceuticals, chemicals, foods and beverages, cosmetics, electronics, etc., shrink sleeves remain as a very important tool.

Security Solutions

In addition to standard shrink sleeve we can also offer you some more security technologies combined with our expertise brought by NanoGrafix company itself so that your customers could have an assurance in their own safety when using certain items bought through us; these measures have been taken care about over many years already but there is no harm if additional ones are implemented too.

Holograms have long been used for protecting various things like documents or credit cards and even currency such as the Euro for instance therefore this method should work fine also along with other methods already mentioned here above.

This new unique idea involves applying a hologram on top inside packaging material while leaving lower parts unprotected – so if somebody tries opening up one package then he will see a hidden hologram which could either serve as an alarm signal or simply scare away potential thieves. It is also possible to insert decorative holograms into the design of labels themselves thus making them look more attractive to buyers while at the same time providing additional security features too.

Micro perforations could be made within the custom printed shrink sleeves itself thereby allowing easy tearing apart without leaving any visible traces behind afterwards; this can come very handy indeed especially in case when some kind of emergency situation occurs and quick access becomes necessary for ordinary people who might not have special tools available otherwise.

Variable images/text on custom printed shrink sleeves using a digital printer – another good idea worth considering because such images would change their appearance depending on angle from which they are observed, therefore creating different impressions among various persons looking at the same object simultaneously (in other words – confusing everybody around!).

Using UV inks – yet another great suggestion since ultra violet radiation could cause certain chemicals used during printing process react together forming new compounds having unique optical properties so that these would become visible only under specific conditions thus providing even higher level of protection against counterfeiting activities carried out by unscrupulous individuals trying fool others into believing something untrue about given product being genuine article when fact it isn’t at all!

Kinds of Shrink Sleeves

Security printing solutions finds its usefulness across many areas including:

Full Body Shrink Sleeves:

Full body custom printed shrink sleeves conform to the entire body of the container. It will shrink around every curve until it reaches the bottom, so that you can decorate your products from top-to-bottom maximizing space for marketing communication points (360 degrees).


Preform is a type of custom printed shrink film band made for specific shape containers so there’s no need for custom design work; Preforms may also fit reverse-tapered cans well since they lack shoulders that can hold bands in place before shrinking.

Tamper Evident Bands:

Tamper evident bands represent one major use of preform shrink films – these may have warning messages printed on them or safety seal text and they’re often used alongside another kind of warning label that says if the provided by this band is broken product might not be good anymore; using such tapes gives consumers peace of mind knowing their goods weren’t meddled with along distribution channels. Vertical/horizontal perforations could also be added to ease removal process after purchase has been made without destroying packaging aesthetics too much! Custom printed tamper evident bands find wide-spread application within food/pharmaceutical sectors.

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